TPC-H Data Setup¶
This is a step-by-step guide for setting up TPC-H data in different databases. This guide will use 1GB data. This guide assumes you have basic knowledge about issuing commands in a terminal application.
Download Data¶
Go to your work directory (say /home/username/workspace
) and download the data:
$ cd /home/username/workspace
$ curl -o
Unzip the downloaded file:
$ unzip
It will create a new directory named tpch1g
under your work directory. The directory contains 8 sub-directories for each of 8 tables.
Create tables¶
Connect to your MySQL database. Make sure you have already added MySQL to your PATH.
$ mysql --local-infile -h -uroot
Create a schema for test. (In mysql shell)
> create database tpch1g; > use tpch1g;
Create empty tables; simply copy and paste the following table definition statements into the MySQL shell. We will import the data later into these tables.
-- nation CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS tpch1g.nation ( `n_nationkey` INT, `n_name` CHAR(25), `n_regionkey` INT, `n_comment` VARCHAR(152), `n_dummy` VARCHAR(10), PRIMARY KEY (`n_nationkey`)); -- region CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS tpch1g.region ( `r_regionkey` INT, `r_name` CHAR(25), `r_comment` VARCHAR(152), `r_dummy` VARCHAR(10), PRIMARY KEY (`r_regionkey`)); -- supplier CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS tpch1g.supplier ( `s_suppkey` INT, `s_name` CHAR(25), `s_address` VARCHAR(40), `s_nationkey` INT, `s_phone` CHAR(15), `s_acctbal` DECIMAL(15,2), `s_comment` VARCHAR(101), `s_dummy` varchar(10), PRIMARY KEY (`s_suppkey`)); -- customer CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS tpch1g.customer ( `c_custkey` INT, `c_name` VARCHAR(25), `c_address` VARCHAR(40), `c_nationkey` INT, `c_phone` CHAR(15), `c_acctbal` DECIMAL(15,2), `c_mktsegment` CHAR(10), `c_comment` VARCHAR(117), `c_dummy` VARCHAR(10), PRIMARY KEY (`c_custkey`)); -- part CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS tpch1g.part ( `p_partkey` INT, `p_name` VARCHAR(55), `p_mfgr` CHAR(25), `p_brand` CHAR(10), `p_type` VARCHAR(25), `p_size` INT, `p_container` CHAR(10), `p_retailprice` DECIMAL(15,2) , `p_comment` VARCHAR(23) , `p_dummy` VARCHAR(10), PRIMARY KEY (`p_partkey`)); -- partsupp CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS tpch1g.partsupp ( `ps_partkey` INT, `ps_suppkey` INT, `ps_availqty` INT, `ps_supplycost` DECIMAL(15,2), `ps_comment` VARCHAR(199), `ps_dummy` VARCHAR(10), PRIMARY KEY (`ps_partkey`)); -- orders CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS tpch1g.orders ( `o_orderkey` INT, `o_custkey` INT, `o_orderstatus` CHAR(1), `o_totalprice` DECIMAL(15,2), `o_orderdate` DATE, `o_orderpriority` CHAR(15), `o_clerk` CHAR(15), `o_shippriority` INT, `o_comment` VARCHAR(79), `o_dummy` VARCHAR(10), PRIMARY KEY (`o_orderkey`)); -- lineitem CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS tpch1g.lineitem ( `l_orderkey` INT, `l_partkey` INT, `l_suppkey` INT, `l_linenumber` INT, `l_quantity` DECIMAL(15,2), `l_extendedprice` DECIMAL(15,2), `l_discount` DECIMAL(15,2), `l_tax` DECIMAL(15,2), `l_returnflag` CHAR(1), `l_linestatus` CHAR(1), `l_shipdate` DATE, `l_commitdate` DATE, `l_receiptdate` DATE, `l_shipinstruct` CHAR(25), `l_shipmode` CHAR(10), `l_comment` VARCHAR(44), `l_dummy` VARCHAR(10));
Import Data¶
Suppose your work directory is /home/username/workspace
and the tpch1g data is stored in /home/username/workspace/tpch1g
. Then, issue the following commands in the MySQL shell to load the data.
LOAD DATA LOCAL INFILE '/home/username/workspace/tpch1g/region/region.tbl' INTO TABLE region FIELDS TERMINATED BY '|'; LOAD DATA LOCAL INFILE '/home/username/workspace/tpch1g/nation/nation.tbl' INTO TABLE nation FIELDS TERMINATED BY '|'; LOAD DATA LOCAL INFILE '/home/username/workspace/tpch1g/customer/customer.tbl' INTO TABLE customer FIELDS TERMINATED BY '|'; LOAD DATA LOCAL INFILE '/home/username/workspace/tpch1g/supplier/supplier.tbl' INTO TABLE supplier FIELDS TERMINATED BY '|'; LOAD DATA LOCAL INFILE '/home/username/workspace/tpch1g/part/part.tbl' INTO TABLE part FIELDS TERMINATED BY '|'; LOAD DATA LOCAL INFILE '/home/username/workspace/tpch1g/partsupp/partsupp.tbl' INTO TABLE partsupp FIELDS TERMINATED BY '|'; LOAD DATA LOCAL INFILE '/home/username/workspace/tpch1g/orders/orders.tbl' INTO TABLE orders FIELDS TERMINATED BY '|'; LOAD DATA LOCAL INFILE '/home/username/workspace/tpch1g/lineitem/lineitem.tbl' INTO TABLE lineitem FIELDS TERMINATED BY '|';
Create tables¶
Connect to your Postgresql database.
$ psql
Create a schema for testing.
postgres=# create schema tpch1g; postgres=# set search_path to tpch1g;
Create empty tables; simply copy and paste the following table definition statements into the PostgreSQL prompt. We will import the data later into these tables.
-- nation CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS "nation" ( "n_nationkey" INT, "n_name" CHAR(25), "n_regionkey" INT, "n_comment" VARCHAR(152), "n_dummy" VARCHAR(10), PRIMARY KEY ("n_nationkey")); -- region CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS "region" ( "r_regionkey" INT, "r_name" CHAR(25), "r_comment" VARCHAR(152), "r_dummy" VARCHAR(10), PRIMARY KEY ("r_regionkey")); -- supplier CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS "supplier" ( "s_suppkey" INT, "s_name" CHAR(25), "s_address" VARCHAR(40), "s_nationkey" INT, "s_phone" CHAR(15), "s_acctbal" DECIMAL(15,2), "s_comment" VARCHAR(101), "s_dummy" VARCHAR(10), PRIMARY KEY ("s_suppkey")); -- customer CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS "customer" ( "c_custkey" INT, "c_name" VARCHAR(25), "c_address" VARCHAR(40), "c_nationkey" INT, "c_phone" CHAR(15), "c_acctbal" DECIMAL(15,2), "c_mktsegment" CHAR(10), "c_comment" VARCHAR(117), "c_dummy" VARCHAR(10), PRIMARY KEY ("c_custkey")); -- part CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS "part" ( "p_partkey" INT, "p_name" VARCHAR(55), "p_mfgr" CHAR(25), "p_brand" CHAR(10), "p_type" VARCHAR(25), "p_size" INT, "p_container" CHAR(10), "p_retailprice" DECIMAL(15,2) , "p_comment" VARCHAR(23) , "p_dummy" VARCHAR(10), PRIMARY KEY ("p_partkey")); -- partsupp CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS "partsupp" ( "ps_partkey" INT, "ps_suppkey" INT, "ps_availqty" INT, "ps_supplycost" DECIMAL(15,2), "ps_comment" VARCHAR(199), "ps_dummy" VARCHAR(10), PRIMARY KEY ("ps_partkey")); -- orders CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS "orders" ( "o_orderkey" INT, "o_custkey" INT, "o_orderstatus" CHAR(1), "o_totalprice" DECIMAL(15,2), "o_orderdate" DATE, "o_orderpriority" CHAR(15), "o_clerk" CHAR(15), "o_shippriority" INT, "o_comment" VARCHAR(79), "o_dummy" VARCHAR(10), PRIMARY KEY ("o_orderkey")); -- lineitem CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS "lineitem"( "l_orderkey" INT, "l_partkey" INT, "l_suppkey" INT, "l_linenumber" INT, "l_quantity" DECIMAL(15,2), "l_extendedprice" DECIMAL(15,2), "l_discount" DECIMAL(15,2), "l_tax" DECIMAL(15,2), "l_returnflag" CHAR(1), "l_linestatus" CHAR(1), "l_shipdate" DATE, "l_commitdate" DATE, "l_receiptdate" DATE, "l_shipinstruct" CHAR(25), "l_shipmode" CHAR(10), "l_comment" VARCHAR(44), "l_dummy" VARCHAR(10));
Import Data¶
Suppose your work directory is /home/username/workspace
and the tpch1g data is stored in /home/username/workspace/tpch1g
. Then, issue the following commands in the PostgreSQL prompt to load the data.
\copy "region" from '/home/username/workspace/tpch1g/region/region.tbl' DELIMITER '|' CSV; \copy "nation" from '/home/username/workspace/tpch1g/nation/nation.tbl' DELIMITER '|' CSV; \copy "customer" from '/home/username/workspace/tpch1g/customer/customer.tbl' DELIMITER '|' CSV; \copy "supplier" from '/home/username/workspace/tpch1g/supplier/supplier.tbl' DELIMITER '|' CSV; \copy "part" from '/home/username/workspace/tpch1g/part/part.tbl' DELIMITER '|' CSV; \copy "partsupp" from '/home/username/workspace/tpch1g/partsupp/partsupp.tbl' DELIMITER '|' CSV; \copy "orders" from '/home/username/workspace/tpch1g/orders/orders.tbl' DELIMITER '|' CSV; \copy "lineitem" from '/home/username/workspace/tpch1g/lineitem/lineitem.tbl' DELIMITER '|' CSV;
Apache Spark¶
Put data to HDFS¶
Use following commands to put data into HDFS. Suppose the tpch1g data is stored in /home/username/workspace/tpch1g
and you hope to put your data in /tmp/tpch1g
in HDFS.
$ hdfs dfs -mkdir -p /tmp/tpch1g/region $ hdfs dfs -mkdir -p /tmp/tpch1g/nation $ hdfs dfs -mkdir -p /tmp/tpch1g/customer $ hdfs dfs -mkdir -p /tmp/tpch1g/supplier $ hdfs dfs -mkdir -p /tmp/tpch1g/part $ hdfs dfs -mkdir -p /tmp/tpch1g/partsupp $ hdfs dfs -mkdir -p /tmp/tpch1g/orders $ hdfs dfs -mkdir -p /tmp/tpch1g/lineitem $ hdfs dfs -put /home/username/workspace/tpch1g/region/region.tbl /tmp/tpch1g/region $ hdfs dfs -put /home/username/workspace/tpch1g/nation/nation.tbl /tmp/tpch1g/nation $ hdfs dfs -put /home/username/workspace/tpch1g/customer/customer.tbl /tmp/tpch1g/customer $ hdfs dfs -put /home/username/workspace/tpch1g/supplier/supplier.tbl /tmp/tpch1g/supplier $ hdfs dfs -put /home/username/workspace/tpch1g/part/part.tbl /tmp/tpch1g/part $ hdfs dfs -put /home/username/workspace/tpch1g/partsupp/partsupp.tbl /tmp/tpch1g/partsupp $ hdfs dfs -put /home/username/workspace/tpch1g/orders/orders.tbl /tmp/tpch1g/orders $ hdfs dfs -put /home/username/workspace/tpch1g/lineitem/lineitem.tbl /tmp/tpch1g/lineitem
If you encounter write permission problem in the next step when creating tables, you can use command
$ hdfs dfs -chmod -R 777 /tmp/tpch1g
Create table and load data¶
Simply copy and paste following queries to spark to set up TPC-H tables.
-- nation CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS nation ( `n_nationkey` INT, `n_name` CHAR(25), `n_regionkey` INT, `n_comment` VARCHAR(152), `n_dummy` VARCHAR(10)) ROW FORMAT DELIMITED FIELDS TERMINATED BY '|' STORED AS TEXTFILE LOCATION '/tmp/tpch1g/nation/nation'; -- region CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS region ( `r_regionkey` INT, `r_name` CHAR(25), `r_comment` VARCHAR(152), `r_dummy` VARCHAR(10)) ROW FORMAT DELIMITED FIELDS TERMINATED BY '|' STORED AS TEXTFILE LOCATION '/tmp/tpch1g/region/region'; -- supplier CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS supplier ( `s_suppkey` INT, `s_name` CHAR(25), `s_address` VARCHAR(40), `s_nationkey` INT, `s_phone` CHAR(15), `s_acctbal` DECIMAL(15,2), `s_comment` VARCHAR(101), `s_dummy` varchar(10)) ROW FORMAT DELIMITED FIELDS TERMINATED BY '|' STORED AS TEXTFILE LOCATION '/tmp/tpch1g/supplier/supplier'; -- customer CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS customer ( `c_custkey` INT, `c_name` VARCHAR(25), `c_address` VARCHAR(40), `c_nationkey` INT, `c_phone` CHAR(15), `c_acctbal` DECIMAL(15,2), `c_mktsegment` CHAR(10), `c_comment` VARCHAR(117), `c_dummy` VARCHAR(10)) ROW FORMAT DELIMITED FIELDS TERMINATED BY '|' STORED AS TEXTFILE LOCATION '/tmp/tpch1g/customer/customer'; -- part CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS part ( `p_partkey` INT, `p_name` VARCHAR(55), `p_mfgr` CHAR(25), `p_brand` CHAR(10), `p_type` VARCHAR(25), `p_size` INT, `p_container` CHAR(10), `p_retailprice` DECIMAL(15,2) , `p_comment` VARCHAR(23) , `p_dummy` VARCHAR(10)) ROW FORMAT DELIMITED FIELDS TERMINATED BY '|' STORED AS TEXTFILE LOCATION '/tmp/tpch1g/part/part'; -- partsupp CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS partsupp ( `ps_partkey` INT, `ps_suppkey` INT, `ps_availqty` INT, `ps_supplycost` DECIMAL(15,2), `ps_comment` VARCHAR(199), `ps_dummy` VARCHAR(10)) ROW FORMAT DELIMITED FIELDS TERMINATED BY '|' STORED AS TEXTFILE LOCATION '/tmp/tpch1g/partsupp/partsupp'; -- orders CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS orders ( `o_orderkey` INT, `o_custkey` INT, `o_orderstatus` CHAR(1), `o_totalprice` DECIMAL(15,2), `o_orderdate` DATE, `o_orderpriority` CHAR(15), `o_clerk` CHAR(15), `o_shippriority` INT, `o_comment` VARCHAR(79), `o_dummy` VARCHAR(10)) ROW FORMAT DELIMITED FIELDS TERMINATED BY '|' STORED AS TEXTFILE LOCATION '/tmp/tpch1g/orders/orders'; -- lineitem CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS lineitem ( `l_orderkey` INT, `l_partkey` INT, `l_suppkey` INT, `l_linenumber` INT, `l_quantity` DECIMAL(15,2), `l_extendedprice` DECIMAL(15,2), `l_discount` DECIMAL(15,2), `l_tax` DECIMAL(15,2), `l_returnflag` CHAR(1), `l_linestatus` CHAR(1), `l_shipdate` DATE, `l_commitdate` DATE, `l_receiptdate` DATE, `l_shipinstruct` CHAR(25), `l_shipmode` CHAR(10), `l_comment` VARCHAR(44), `l_dummy` VARCHAR(10)) ROW FORMAT DELIMITED FIELDS TERMINATED BY '|' STORED AS TEXTFILE LOCATION '/tmp/tpch1g/lineitem/lineitem';
Create tables¶
Use SQL query tools like SQL Workbench/J to connect with your Redshift Cluster.
First, Create a schema for testing
create schema "tpch1g";
-- nation CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS "tpch1g"."nation" ( "n_nationkey" INT, "n_name" CHAR(25), "n_regionkey" INT, "n_comment" VARCHAR(152), "n_dummy" VARCHAR(10), PRIMARY KEY ("n_nationkey")); -- region CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS "tpch1g"."region" ( "r_regionkey" INT, "r_name" CHAR(25), "r_comment" VARCHAR(152), "r_dummy" VARCHAR(10), PRIMARY KEY ("r_regionkey")); -- supplier CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS "tpch1g"."supplier" ( "s_suppkey" INT, "s_name" CHAR(25), "s_address" VARCHAR(40), "s_nationkey" INT, "s_phone" CHAR(15), "s_acctbal" DECIMAL(15,2), "s_comment" VARCHAR(101), "s_dummy" VARCHAR(10), PRIMARY KEY ("s_suppkey")); -- customer CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS "tpch1g"."customer" ( "c_custkey" INT, "c_name" VARCHAR(25), "c_address" VARCHAR(40), "c_nationkey" INT, "c_phone" CHAR(15), "c_acctbal" DECIMAL(15,2), "c_mktsegment" CHAR(10), "c_comment" VARCHAR(117), "c_dummy" VARCHAR(10), PRIMARY KEY ("c_custkey")); -- part CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS "tpch1g"."part" ( "p_partkey" INT, "p_name" VARCHAR(55), "p_mfgr" CHAR(25), "p_brand" CHAR(10), "p_type" VARCHAR(25), "p_size" INT, "p_container" CHAR(10), "p_retailprice" DECIMAL(15,2) , "p_comment" VARCHAR(23) , "p_dummy" VARCHAR(10), PRIMARY KEY ("p_partkey")); -- partsupp CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS "tpch1g"."partsupp" ( "ps_partkey" INT, "ps_suppkey" INT, "ps_availqty" INT, "ps_supplycost" DECIMAL(15,2), "ps_comment" VARCHAR(199), "ps_dummy" VARCHAR(10), PRIMARY KEY ("ps_partkey")); -- orders CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS "tpch1g"."orders" ( "o_orderkey" INT, "o_custkey" INT, "o_orderstatus" CHAR(1), "o_totalprice" DECIMAL(15,2), "o_orderdate" DATE, "o_orderpriority" CHAR(15), "o_clerk" CHAR(15), "o_shippriority" INT, "o_comment" VARCHAR(79), "o_dummy" VARCHAR(10), PRIMARY KEY ("o_orderkey")); -- lineitem CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS "tpch1g"."lineitem"( "l_orderkey" INT, "l_partkey" INT, "l_suppkey" INT, "l_linenumber" INT, "l_quantity" DECIMAL(15,2), "l_extendedprice" DECIMAL(15,2), "l_discount" DECIMAL(15,2), "l_tax" DECIMAL(15,2), "l_returnflag" CHAR(1), "l_linestatus" CHAR(1), "l_shipdate" DATE, "l_commitdate" DATE, "l_receiptdate" DATE, "l_shipinstruct" CHAR(25), "l_shipmode" CHAR(10), "l_comment" VARCHAR(44), "l_dummy" VARCHAR(10));
Load Data¶
For Redshift, we use Java method to help inserting our data into Redshift tables. schema
is the Redshift schema you create your TPC-H tables
and table
is the table name of TPCH-table, such as nation
, region
. conn
is the Connection class you get from connecting your Redshift cluster using Redshift JDBC driver.
Suppose your work directory is /home/username/workspace
and the tpch1g data is stored in /home/username/workspace/tpch1g
static void loadRedshiftData(String schema, String table, Connection conn) throws IOException { Statement stmt = conn.createStatement(); String concat = ""; File file = new File(String.format("/home/username/workspace/tpch1g/%s/%s.tbl", table, table)); ResultSet columnMeta = stmt.execute( String.format( "select data_type, ordinal_position from INFORMATION_SCHEMA.COLUMNS where table_name='%s' and table_schema='%s'", table, schema)); List<Boolean> quotedNeeded = new ArrayList<>(); for (int i = 0; i < columnMeta.getRowCount(); i++) { quotedNeeded.add(true); } while ( { String columnType = columnMeta.getString(1); int columnIndex = columnMeta.getInt(2); if (columnType.equals("integer") || columnType.equals("numeric")) { quotedNeeded.set(columnIndex - 1, false); } } String content = Files.toString(file, Charsets.UTF_8); for (String row : content.split("\n")) { String[] values = row.split("\\|"); row = ""; for (int i = 0; i < values.length - 1; i++) { if (quotedNeeded.get(i)) { row = row + getQuoted(values[i]) + ","; } else { row = row + values[i] + ","; } } row = row + "''"; if (concat.equals("")) { concat = concat + "(" + row + ")"; } else concat = concat + "," + "(" + row + ")"; } stmt.execute(String.format("insert into \"%s\".\"%s\" values %s", schema, table, concat)); }
Cloudera Impala¶
Put data to HDFS¶
Use following commands to put data into HDFS. Suppose the tpch1g data is stored in /home/username/workspace/tpch1g
and you hope to put your data in /tmp/tpch1g
in HDFS.
$ hdfs dfs -mkdir -p /tmp/tpch1g/region $ hdfs dfs -mkdir -p /tmp/tpch1g/nation $ hdfs dfs -mkdir -p /tmp/tpch1g/customer $ hdfs dfs -mkdir -p /tmp/tpch1g/supplier $ hdfs dfs -mkdir -p /tmp/tpch1g/part $ hdfs dfs -mkdir -p /tmp/tpch1g/partsupp $ hdfs dfs -mkdir -p /tmp/tpch1g/orders $ hdfs dfs -mkdir -p /tmp/tpch1g/lineitem $ hdfs dfs -put /home/username/workspace/tpch1g/region/region.tbl /tmp/tpch1g/region $ hdfs dfs -put /home/username/workspace/tpch1g/nation/nation.tbl /tmp/tpch1g/nation $ hdfs dfs -put /home/username/workspace/tpch1g/customer/customer.tbl /tmp/tpch1g/customer $ hdfs dfs -put /home/username/workspace/tpch1g/supplier/supplier.tbl /tmp/tpch1g/supplier $ hdfs dfs -put /home/username/workspace/tpch1g/part/part.tbl /tmp/tpch1g/part $ hdfs dfs -put /home/username/workspace/tpch1g/partsupp/partsupp.tbl /tmp/tpch1g/partsupp $ hdfs dfs -put /home/username/workspace/tpch1g/orders/orders.tbl /tmp/tpch1g/orders $ hdfs dfs -put /home/username/workspace/tpch1g/lineitem/lineitem.tbl /tmp/tpch1g/lineitem
If you encounter write permission problem in the next step when creating tables, you can use command
$ hdfs dfs -chmod -R 777 /tmp/tpch1g
Create tables and load data¶
Connect to Impala.
$ impala-shell
Create a schema for testing.
create schema `tpch1g`;
Create tables and load data. Simply copy and paste the following table definition statements into the Impala shell.
-- nation CREATE EXTERNAL TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `tpch1g`.`nation` ( `n_nationkey` INT, `n_name` STRING, `n_regionkey` INT, `n_comment` STRING, `n_dummy` STRING) ROW FORMAT DELIMITED FIELDS TERMINATED BY '|' LOCATION '/tmp/tpch1g/nation'; -- region CREATE EXTERNAL TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `tpch1g`.`region` ( `r_regionkey` INT, `r_name` STRING, `r_comment` STRING, `r_dummy` STRING) ROW FORMAT DELIMITED FIELDS TERMINATED BY '|' LOCATION '/tmp/tpch1g/region'; -- supplier CREATE EXTERNAL TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `tpch1g`.`supplier` ( `s_suppkey` INT, `s_name` STRING, `s_address` STRING, `s_nationkey` INT, `s_phone` STRING, `s_acctbal` DECIMAL(15,2), `s_comment` STRING, `s_dummy` STRING) ROW FORMAT DELIMITED FIELDS TERMINATED BY '|' LOCATION '/tmp/tpch1g/supplier'; -- customer CREATE EXTERNAL TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `tpch1g`.`customer` ( `c_custkey` INT, `c_name` STRING, `c_address` STRING, `c_nationkey` INT, `c_phone` STRING, `c_acctbal` DECIMAL(15,2), `c_mktsegment` STRING, `c_comment` STRING, `c_dummy` STRING) ROW FORMAT DELIMITED FIELDS TERMINATED BY '|' LOCATION '/tmp/tpch1g/customer'; -- part CREATE EXTERNAL TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `tpch1g`.`part` ( `p_partkey` INT, `p_name` STRING, `p_mfgr` STRING, `p_brand` STRING, `p_type` STRING, `p_size` INT, `p_container` STRING, `p_retailprice` DECIMAL(15,2) , `p_comment` STRING , `p_dummy` STRING) ROW FORMAT DELIMITED FIELDS TERMINATED BY '|' LOCATION '/tmp/tpch1g/part'; -- partsupp CREATE EXTERNAL TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `tpch1g`.`partsupp` ( `ps_partkey` INT, `ps_suppkey` INT, `ps_availqty` INT, `ps_supplycost` DECIMAL(15,2), `ps_comment` STRING, `ps_dummy` STRING) ROW FORMAT DELIMITED FIELDS TERMINATED BY '|' LOCATION '/tmp/tpch1g/partsupp'; -- orders CREATE EXTERNAL TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `tpch1g`.`orders` ( `o_orderkey` INT, `o_custkey` INT, `o_orderstatus` STRING, `o_totalprice` DECIMAL(15,2), `o_orderdate` TIMESTAMP, `o_orderpriority` STRING, `o_clerk` STRING, `o_shippriority` INT, `o_comment` STRING, `o_dummy` STRING) ROW FORMAT DELIMITED FIELDS TERMINATED BY '|' LOCATION '/tmp/tpch1g/orders'; -- lineitem CREATE EXTERNAL TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `tpch1g`.`lineitem`( `l_orderkey` INT, `l_partkey` INT, `l_suppkey` INT, `l_linenumber` INT, `l_quantity` DECIMAL(15,2), `l_extendedprice` DECIMAL(15,2), `l_discount` DECIMAL(15,2), `l_tax` DECIMAL(15,2), `l_returnflag` STRING, `l_linestatus` STRING, `l_shipdate` TIMESTAMP, `l_commitdate` TIMESTAMP, `l_receiptdate` TIMESTAMP, `l_shipinstruct` STRING, `l_shipmode` STRING, `l_comment` STRING, `l_dummy` STRING) ROW FORMAT DELIMITED FIELDS TERMINATED BY '|' LOCATION '/tmp/tpch1g/lineitem';