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PyVerdict Documentation

pyverdict is a Python interface for VerdictDB.

Install PyVerdict

The easiest way to get pyverdict is installing from PyPI. You can also compile from source code for developing purpose.

Note: Prerequisites

pyverdict requires miniconda for Python 3.7, which can be installed for local users (i.e., without sudo access).

Install from PyPI

pyverdict is distributed with PyPI. Use the following command for installation.

pip install pyverdict
pip install pyverdict --upgrade

Note: Dependencies

pyverdict ships with a latest VerdictDB jar in it, so no separate installation is necessary.

pyverdict ships with the JDBC drivers for MySQL, PostgreSQL, Redshift, Impala and Presto currently. More database supports will be added in the future.

Compile from source code

Get the newest version of VerdictDB from our repo.

git clone
cd verdictdb
Switch to pyverdict root directory and install. You may need extra configurations to compile the VerdictDB jar.
cd pyverdict
python install

Connect to Databases

pyverdict.{CONNECT_METHOD}(host, user, password, port, ...)

pyverdict uses different methods to connect to different databases, and returns a pyverdict.VerdictContext object. See Connecting to Databases for more details about CONNECT_METHOD.

import pyverdict
verdict_conn = pyverdict.mysql(host, user, password, port)

Make Queries


pyverdict provides a simple api to make queries. It returns a pandas DataFrame object which contains the query result.

df = verdict_conn.sql('SHOW SCHEMAS')

Close Connection


pyverdict will close all connections automatically when the python process exits. You can also call this method to close a connection manually.


Data Type Conversion Rules

Here lists the conversion rules pyverdict uses for different databases. Refer to the pyverdict source code for more details.


'bit'                     => boolean,
'tinyint'                 => int,
'bool'                    => boolean,
'smallint'                => int,
'medimumInteger'          => int,
'int'                     => int,
'integer                  => int,
'bigint'                  => int,
'decimal'                 => decimal.Decimal,
'dec'                     => decimal.Decimal,
'real'                    => float,
'double'                  => float,
'doubleprecision'         => float,
'date'      => JavaObject =>,
'datetime'  => JavaObject => datetime.datetime,
'timestamp' => JavaObject => datetime.datetime,
'time'      => JavaObject => datetime.timedelta,
'year(2)'   => JavaObject =>,
'year(4)'   => JavaObject =>,
'char'                    => str,
'varchar'                 => str,
'binary'                  => bytes,
'varbinary'               => bytes,
'tinyblob'                => bytes,
'tinytext'                => str,
'blob'                    => bytes,
'text'                    => str,
'mediumBlob'              => bytes,
'medimumText'             => str,
'longBlob'                => bytes,
'longText'                => str,
'enumCol'                 => str,
'setCol'                  => str


'bigint'                    => int,
'bigserial'                 => int,
'bit'               => bool => str,
'varbit'      => JavaObject => str,
'boolean'                   => bool,
'box'         => JavaObject => str,
'bytea'            => bytes => memoryview,
'char'                      => str,
'varchar'                   => str,
'cidr'        => JavaObject => str,
'circle'      => JavaObject => str,
'date'        => JavaObject =>,
'float8'                    => float,
'inet'        => JavaObject => str,
'integer'                   => int,
'json'        => JavaObject => dict,
'line'        => JavaObject => str,
'lseg'        => JavaObject => str,
'macaddr'     => JavaObject => str,
'macaddr8'    => JavaObject => str,
'money'            => float => str,
'numeric'                   => decimal.Decimal,
'path'        => JavaObject => str,
'point'       => JavaObject => str,
'polygon'     => JavaObject => str,
'real'                      => float,
'smallint'                  => int,
'smallserial'               => int,
'serial'                    => int,
'text'                      => str,
'time'        => JavaObject => datetime.time,
'timestamp'   => JavaObject => datetime.datetime,
'uuid'        => JavaObject => str,
'xml'         => JavaObject => str,
'bit'         => JavaObject => str,
'int8'                      => int,
'bool'                      => bool,
'character'                 => str,
'character'                 => str,
'int'                       => int,
'int4'                      => int,
'double'                    => float,
'decimal'                   => decimal.Decimal,
'float'                     => float,
'int2'                      => int,
'serial2'                   => int,
'serial4'                   => int,
'timetz'      => JavaObject => datetime.time,
'timestamptz' => JavaObject => datetime.datetime,
'serial8'                   => int


BIGINT                                    => int,
BOOLEAN                                   => bool,
BOOL                                      => bool,
BPCHAR                                    => str,
CHAR                                      => str,
CHARACTER                                 => str,
CHARACTER VARYING                         => str,
DATE                        => JavaObject => datetime.datetime,
DECIMAL                                   => decimal.Decimal,
DOUBLE PRECISION                          => float,
FLOAT                                     => float,
FLOAT4                                    => float,
FLOAT8                                    => float,
INT                                       => int,
INT2                                      => int,
INT4                                      => int,
INTEGER                                   => int,
NCHAR                                     => str,
NUMERIC                                   => decimal.Decimal,
NVARCHAR                                  => str,
REAL                                      => float,
SMALLINT                                  => int,
TEXT                                      => str,
TIMESTAMP                   => JavaObject => datetime.datetime,
TIMESTAMP WITHOUT TIME ZONE => JavaObject => datetime.datetime,
TIMESTAMPTZ                 => JavaObject => datetime.datetime,
TIMESTAMP WITH TIME ZONE    => JavaObject => datetime.datetime,
VARCHAR                                   => str


BIGINT           => int,
BOOLEAN          => bool,
CHAR             => str,
DECIMAL          => decimal.Decimal,
DOUBLE           => float,
FLOAT            => float,
REAL             => float,
SMALLINT         => int,
STRING           => str,
TIMESTAMP        => datetime.datetime,
TINYINT          => int,
VARCHAR          => str


'tinyint'    => int
'boolean'    => int
'smallint'   => int
'integer'    => int
'bigint'     => int
'decimal'    => float
'real'       => float
'double'     => float
'date'       => str
'timestamp'  => str
'char'       => str
'varchar'    => str