Quickstart Guide¶
We will install VerdictDB, create a connection, and issue a simple query to VerdictDB. In this Quickstart Guide, we will use MySQL for VerdictDB's backend database. See Connecting to Databases for the examples of connecting to other databases.
Create an empty Maven project and
place the verdictdb dependency in the <dependencies>
of your pom.xml.
is distributed with PyPI. No installation of VerdictDB is required.
To insert data into MySQL in Python without pyverdict
, we could use pymysql.
Note: Prerequisites
requires miniconda for Python 3.7,
which can be installed for local users (i.e., without sudo access).
<dependency> <groupId>org.verdictdb</groupId> <artifactId>verdictdb-core</artifactId> <version>0.5.8</version> </dependency> <!-- To use MySQL, add the following entry as well: --> <dependency> <groupId>mysql</groupId> <artifactId>mysql-connector-java</artifactId> <version>5.1.46</version> </dependency>
pip install pyverdict # use the following line for upgrading: # pip install pyverdict --upgrade # install pymysql to use MySQL pip install pymysql
Insert Data¶
We will first generate small data to play with. Suppose MySQL is set up as described here.
Connection mysqlConn = DriverManager.getConnection("jdbc:mysql://localhost", "root", ""); Statement stmt = mysqlConn.createStatement(); stmt.execute("CREATE SCHEMA myschema"); stmt.execute("CREATE TABLE myschema.sales (" + " product varchar(100)," + " price double)"); // insert 1000 rows List<String> productList = Arrays.asList("milk", "egg", "juice"); for (int i = 0; i < 1000; i++) { int randInt = ThreadLocalRandom.current().nextInt(0, 3); String product = productList.get(randInt); double price = (randInt+2) * 10 + ThreadLocalRandom.current().nextInt(0, 10); stmt.execute(String.format( "INSERT INTO myschema.sales (product, price) VALUES('%s', %.0f)", product, price)); }
mysql_conn = pymysql.connect( host='localhost', port=3306, user='root', passwd='', autocommit=True ) cur = mysql_conn.cursor() cur.execute('DROP SCHEMA IF EXISTS myschema') cur.execute('CREATE SCHEMA myschema') cur.execute( 'CREATE TABLE myschema.sales (' + ' product varchar(100),' + ' price double)' ) # insert 1000 rows product_list = ['milk', 'egg', 'juice'] random.seed(0) for i in range(1000): rand_idx = random.randint(0, 2) product = product_list[rand_idx] price = (rand_idx + 2) * 10 + random.randint(0, 10) cur.execute( 'INSERT INTO myschema.sales (product, price)' + ' VALUES ("{:s}", {:f})'.format(product, price) ) cur.close()
Test VerdictDB¶
Create a JDBC connection to VerdictDB. It may take a few seconds to launch the VerdictDB JVM in PyVerdict
Connection verdict = DriverManager.getConnection("jdbc:verdict:mysql://localhost", "root", ""); Statement vstmt = verdict.createStatement();
verdict_conn = pyverdict.mysql( host='localhost', user='root', password='', port=3306 )
Create a special table called a "scramble", which is the replica of sales
with extra information VerdictDB uses for speeding up query processing.
vstmt.execute("CREATE SCRAMBLE myschema.sales_scrambled from myschema.sales");
verdict_conn.sql('CREATE SCRAMBLE myschema.sales_scrambled from myschema.sales')
Run a regular query to the original table. In PyVerdict
, The query result is stored in a pandas DataFrame. The values may vary.
ResultSet rs = vstmt.executeQuery( "SELECT product, AVG(price) "+ "FROM myschema.sales " + "GROUP BY product " + "ORDER BY product");
df = verdict_conn.sql( "SELECT product, AVG(price) " + "FROM myschema.sales " + "GROUP BY product " + "ORDER BY product") # df # product a2 # 0 egg 34.82142857142857 # 1 juice 44.96363636363636 # 2 milk 24.97005988023952
Internally, VerdictDB rewrites the above query to use the scramble. It is equivalent to explicitly specifying the scramble in the FROM
clause of the above query.
Complete Example Script¶
import java.sql.*; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.List; import java.util.concurrent.ThreadLocalRandom; public class FirstVerdictDBExample { public static void main(String args[]) throws SQLException { // Suppose username is root and password is rootpassword. Connection mysqlConn = DriverManager.getConnection("jdbc:mysql://localhost", "root", ""); Statement stmt = mysqlConn.createStatement(); stmt.execute("CREATE SCHEMA myschema"); stmt.execute("CREATE TABLE myschema.sales (" + " product varchar(100)," + " price double)"); // insert 1000 rows List<String> productList = Arrays.asList("milk", "egg", "juice"); for (int i = 0; i < 1000; i++) { int randInt = ThreadLocalRandom.current().nextInt(0, 3) String product = productList.get(randInt); double price = (randInt+2) * 10 + ThreadLocalRandom.current().nextInt(0, 10); stmt.execute(String.format( "INSERT INTO myschema.sales (product, price) VALUES('%s', %.0f)", product, price)); } Connection verdict = DriverManager.getConnection("jdbc:verdict:mysql://localhost", "root", ""); Statement vstmt = verdict.createStatement(); // Use CREATE SCRAMBLE syntax to create scrambled tables. vstmt.execute("CREATE SCRAMBLE myschema.sales_scrambled from myschema.sales"); ResultSet rs = vstmt.executeQuery( "SELECT product, AVG(price) "+ "FROM myschema.sales " + "GROUP BY product " + "ORDER BY product"); ``` // Do something after getting the results. } }
import random import pymysql import pyverdict mysql_conn = pymysql.connect( host='localhost', port=3306, user='root', passwd='', autocommit=True ) cur = mysql_conn.cursor() cur.execute('DROP SCHEMA IF EXISTS myschema') cur.execute('CREATE SCHEMA myschema') cur.execute( 'CREATE TABLE myschema.sales (' + ' product varchar(100),' + ' price double)' ) # insert 1000 rows product_list = ['milk', 'egg', 'juice'] random.seed(0) for i in range(1000): rand_idx = random.randint(0, 2) product = product_list[rand_idx] price = (rand_idx + 2) * 10 + random.randint(0, 10) cur.execute( 'INSERT INTO myschema.sales (product, price)' + ' VALUES ("{:s}", {:f})'.format(product, price) ) cur.close() # create connection verdict_conn = pyverdict.mysql( host='localhost', user='root', password='', port=3306 ) # create scramble table verdict_conn.sql('CREATE SCRAMBLE myschema.sales_scrambled from myschema.sales') # run query df = verdict_conn.sql( "SELECT product, AVG(price) " + "FROM myschema.sales " + "GROUP BY product " + "ORDER BY product")